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Depression Meal

By: Sabrina Harjanto

So basically, when my parents first came to the U.S, they only came with a suitcase. They first came to New York City, and they were extremely poor, but they still managed to get to Philadelphia. They had to live in this tiny apartment in Chinatown where 7-10 other people were living. When there was something wrong with the plumbing, they had to just fix it themselves, and whenever the lights went out, which was often, they had to use candles and wait until the lights came on. They were pretty much dirt poor, so it’s not like they could buy quality food. My mom went to local Indonesian corner stores, and she would buy instant ramen. It was both cheap and fast to make, and she would make it all the time.


Depressed Indomie




  • Rendang/Satay Indomie

  • 8 Cups of Water

  • 2 Eggs

  • Fried Onion

  • Sausage

  • Sriracha (optional)



Step 1. Open the Indomie pack. Separate it from the noodles and sauce packs.


Step 2. Boil around 1.5 cups of water.


Step 3. Once it boils, submerge the Indomie in the water. When the noodles become shiny, use a fork to help separate the noodles.


Step 4. After about 3 minutes, strain the noodles from the water. DO NOT POUR THE WATER OUT THOUGH (we’ll use it later). Just lift the noodles from the water and transfer to a plate.


Step 5.  Place all the sauce packs in the noodles and mix (note: there might be a spicy sauce. if you're a big baby, avoid or put less spice)


Step 6. Put the used water back on the stove. turn the stove on again. slice sausage and place them in the water.


Step 7. Once boiled, you can mix them in with your noodles.


Step 8. Get a skillet and oil it. leave it on the stove until the oil looks thinner.


Step 9. Crack eggs in a small bowl and whisk like crazy. Under mixing can cause a small, flat egg.


Step 10. Pour whisked eggs into the hot skillet. when one side is ready, flip the egg to the other side.


Step 11. Once ready, place on top of the noodles.


Step 12. Grab your fried onions and put 3-4 pinches of fried onions on top.


Step 13. optional: put some sriracha all over your noodles.





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